THE LATEST : THE GUERRILLA ROLE ANIMATOR Description This showcase features work created by summer student fellows in the Baltimore Youth Film Arts program. Enjoy films, photographs, animations, comedy performances, and written pieces created during the summer workshops and speak directly with rising artists about their work. The event will feature pieces from The Guerrilla Role Animator, The Adobe Creative Cloud Studio Apprentice, Portraits: Word and Image, Personal Essay Film: Exploring Identity and Environment, Sound and Image in Digital Storytelling, Comedic Storytelling: Creating the One-Person Show, and The Inner City Me. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/education/bs-md-hopkins-film-grant-20151221-story.html www.filmartsbaltimore.org

Professor Willie Charles Moore Bio
Endowed Professor (Creative), Hampton University Scripps Howard SOJC Teaching Animation, Motion Graphics, Compositing, Advertising, SFX, Digital Storytelling, Game Design, Film Editing, and Film/Video Practicum.
Professor Moore has taught Radio, Television, Film, and Animation at Howard University as an Assistant Professor.
He has been a full-time Professor of Media Arts and Animation at the Art Institute of Philadelphia in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
He has taught courses in history and production of a variety of Animation, Digital Media Arts, Graphic Design, And The History of Motion Media and Mass Communication subjects as an Adjunct Professor at Bowie State University /Morgan State University.
He has taught as a Workshop Instructor for the Baltimore Youth Film Arts and Morgan Sate University (SWAN) Program. The workshop was sponsored by John Hopkins University Film and Media Studies Program and The Mellon Foundation. He is the Graphic Design and Motion Media Director for Black Hawk Imports of Farmingdale, New York. He is a Society for Animation Studies, American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA), American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP) and The University Film & Video Association (UFVA) member. He has served as a consultant for The National Center for Animation and on various committees including the sophomore student affairs committee, The New Technology Advisory Committee and advisor for Alpha Epsilon Rho National Broadcasting Society. He has been a Panel Judge for Numerous Festivals and Conferences, as well as a Society for Animation member, UFVA member, and ASCAP member.